Where We’re Working


More Utah residents are concerned about drought and reduced snowpack than in any other western state, and for good reason. With persistent drought affecting Utah, the Great Salt Lake has had record low levels for the last two years. Low water levels have strained the deer population causing restrictions in the number of general season deer hunting permits issued and preventing access for Utahns who enjoy hunting. And the state’s reduced snowpack is unlikely to fill lakes and reservoirs in Utah back to normal levels. Don’t forget; it also shortens the length of the ski season and means fewer powder days, too! This not only threatens Utah residents’ enjoyment of winter sports but also puts the state’s $4.9 billion outdoor recreation industry and 61,890 associated jobs at risk.

Caroline Gleich

For U.S. Senate

Utah has one Senate seat and four House seats up for election in this November. This allows concerned Utahns to use the power of their vote to advocate and protect their public lands from the threats to Utah’s outdoor sanctuaries. POW AF Endorses Caroline Gleich for U.S. Senate in Utah.


Elections in Utah are won by razor thin margins– often by just a few thousand votes. By activating Utah’s skiers, hunters, anglers, cyclists, and climbers to volunteer for just two hours, we can help climate champions win across the ballot in November.

Join POW AF’s Action Corps volunteer program. You’ll be connected to literature drops, door-knocking, and phone banking opportunities statewide. Plus, enjoy exclusive Action Corps bike rides, happy hours and events with our Alliance members.

Our Utah Voter Guidebook

Our Utah Voter Guidebook