We help passionate outdoor people protect the places they live and the experiences they love from the effects of climate change. That work starts at the ballots.
The power of the American Democracy is in our hands, and we need the entire Outdoor State™ to show up at the polls to protect clean air, clean water, our planet and the experiences that we love. Our voices need to be heard, so let’s mobilize and create civic engagement and voter turnout in November’s election. We have the unique opportunity to create a cultural shift toward voting, and thus, change political will with the goal of enacting climate solutions.
2024 Candidate Endorsements
Protect Our Winters Action Fund (POWAF) is stoked to announce our badass slate of endorsed candidates for Congress. The slate includes nine candidates across seven states, each from different backgrounds but all united in their commitment to preserving their state’s outdoor spaces and taking action on climate change. As avid climbers, skiers, snowboarders, mountain bikers, runners, filmmakers, writers, artists, photographers, and scientists, we look for leaders who will take an urgent and pragmatic approach to tackling climate change. We know each and every one of them will fight like hell to protect the places we live and the experiences we love.