Luke Haynes

Luke Haynes advises major donors on strategy and allocations to maximize the impact and leverage of their philanthropic, political and other impact investments. From 2015-22, he worked closely with 15 Rockefeller family trustees as Executive Director and CEO of the David Rockefeller Fund, where he oversaw major changes to endowment investment policy, climate solutions and democracy programs. He spent 13 years shaping grants programs to promote climate solutions, community organizing and national security solutions at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Chicago and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation in New York. From 2000-01, Haynes served at the Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State and traveled with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. He was an early volunteer of Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2003.

Haynes is a senior advisor to Walking Softer, a visiting distinguished fellow at Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and a board director of Clara Lionel Foundation. His happiest place is skiing in the mountains with his family and he was honored to serve on the Protect Our Winters board from 2016-18.